Radiology FIND (Following INcidental Disease) Program

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” – Mahatma Gandhi. Recently I had the pleasure of reconnecting with Alice Pichan, Director of Radiology at St. Joseph Mercy Health System in Ann Arbor, MI. Alice told me about an exciting Radiology FIND Program (Following INcidental Disease) that their health system had developed. This in turn led me to Amanda Pepple, Director TH Enterprise FIND Program who outlined their unique and ambitious program.

The FIND Program is a centrally managed program utilizing software and Nurse Navigation staff to identify and track incidental findings and aneurysms of a worrisome nature found on radiology imaging. Findings on radiology imaging that are unrelated to the reason for the exam are called incidental findings. Originating several years ago in Trinity Health Ann Arbor, the program was approved for expansion across the Trinity Health Enterprise and is set to complete its expansion efforts in early 2026.

The benefits of the FIND program include; support for early diagnosis of cancer and other diseases/illnesses, informing patients of recommended follow up, facilitating earlier diagnostic and treatment interventions including biopsy, surgery, radiation, & chemotherapy, and earlier treatments extend patient lives and lower health care costs. At RPS Imaging we are blessed and humbled to work with such caring and compassionate leaders that strive to improve patient outcomes.

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